KFC Original Fried Chicken


Paź 29, 2006
KFC Original Fried Chicken. 1 frying chicken, cut into frying pieces The 11 herbs and spices 2 eggs, well beaten 2/3 cup milk Vegetable oil to cover bottom of your skillet; about 1/2 inch deep. 1. Combine eggs and milk. Set aside.
2. Combine flour with the Italian dressing and soup mix.
3. Dip chicken pieces in milk-egg mixture and roll them in the flour-seasoning mixture. Repeat procedure.
4. Fry pieces over medium heat for 25 to 30 minutes, turning often.
5. Remove from fire. Drain and serve. Chicken Like the Colonel's -----ELEVEN SECRET SPICES-----
1 tablespoon Rosemary
1 tablespoon Oregano leaves
1 tablespoon Powdered sage
1 teaspoon Powdered ginger
1 teaspoon Marjoram
1 1/2 teaspoons Thyme
3 tablespoons Packed brown sugar
3 tablespoons Dry minced parsely
1 teaspoon Pepper
1 tablespoon Paprika
2 tablespoons Garlic salt
2 tablespoons Onion salt
2 tablespoons Powder chicken bouillon*
1 package Lipton tomato cup-a-soup mix * or 4 cubes mashed There are actually 11 spices in the above combination, but an additional 3 ingredients were necessary to derive that special flavor. Place all ingredeints in blender with on\off spped for 3-4 minutes to pulverise, or rub through a fine strainer.

Store in an airtight container so it will not lose potency. Makes about 3/4 cup. To use with flour: Add 1 oz. mix to a cup of flour for coating chicken. Top Secret Recipes
version of
KFC Extra Tasty Crispy Chicken

by Todd Wilbur In 1971, with KFC now out of his control, Colonel Harland Sanders was approached by the company's new owners, the Heublein Company, with a recipe for a crispier version of the famous fried chicken. The marketing department decided they wanted to call the product "Colonel Sander's New Recipe" but the Colonel would have nothing to do with it. The stern and opinionated founder of the company who had publicly criticized the changes to his secret formulas (he called the revised mashed potatoes in a newspaper interview "wallpaper paste"), refused to allow the use of his name on the product. Since the Colonel was an important component of the company's marketing plan, KFC appeased him. The new chicken was then appropriately dubbed "Extra Crispy," and sales were finger-licking good. Now you can reproduce the taste and crunchy breaded texture of the real thing with a marinating process similar to that used by the huge fast-food chain, followed by a double-dipped coating. Unlike the Original Recipe chicken clone which is pressure-cooked in oil, this version is simply deep fried. 1 whole frying chicken, cut up
6-8 cups vegetable oil

4 cups water
1 tablespoon salt
1/2 teaspoon MSG (see Tidbits)

1 egg, beaten
1 cup milk
2 cups all-purpose flour
2 1/2 teaspoons salt
3/4 teaspoon pepper
3/4 teaspoon MSG

1. Trim any excess skin and fat from the chicken pieces. Preheat the oil in a deep-fryer to 350 degrees.
2. Combine the water, salt and MSG for the marinade in a large bowl. Add the chicken to the bowl and let it sit for 20 minutes. Turn the chicken a couple times as it marinates.
3. Combine the beaten egg and milk in a medium bowl. In another medium bowl, combine the remaining coating ingredients (flour, salt, pepper and MSG).
4. When the chicken has marinated, transfer each piece to paper towels so that excess liquid can drain off. Working with one piece at a time, first coat the chicken with the dry flour mixture, then the egg and milk mixture, and then back into the flour. Be sure that each piece is coated very generously. Stack the chicken on a plate or cookie sheet until each piece has been coated.
5. Drop the chicken, one piece at a time into the hot oil. Fry half of the chicken at a time (4 pieces) for 12-15 minutes, or until it is golden brown. You should be sure to stir the chicken around halfway through the cooking time so that each piece cooks evenly.
6. Remove the chicken to a rack or towels to drain for about 5 minutes before eating. (http://www.topsecretrecipes.com)
Serves 3-4 (8 pieces of chicken). Tidbits
MSG is Monosodium Glutamate, the solid form of a natural amino acid found in many vegetables. It can be found in stores in the spice sections and as the brand name Accent flavor enhancer. MSG is an important component of many KFC items.

A tak ktoś przetłumaczył (może trzeba coś skorygować
) :

Smazony kurczak KFC


1 kurczak, pokrojony na czesci

11 przypraw i ziol, ktore nalezy zmiksowac:
- 1 lyzka rozmarynu
- 1 lyzka oregano
- 1 lyzka szalwi
- 1 lyzeczka imbiru
- 1 lyzeczka majeranku
- 1 i 1/2 lyzeczki tymianku
- 3 lyzki brazowego cukru
- 3 lyzki natki pietruszki
- 1 lyzeczka pieprzu
- 1 lyzka papryki w proszku
- 2 lyzki soli czosnkowej
- 2 lyzki soli cebulowej
- 2 lyzki bulionu drobiowego

1 op. zupki pomidorowej (1 porcja na kubek)
2 jajka
2/3 szkl. amerykanskiej mleka
1 szkl. amerykanska maki

1. Jajka wymieszac z mlekiem, odstawic na bok.
2. Kawalki kurczaka moczyc w mleku i jakju, obtaczac w mace i 1 uncji przypraw( czyli ok. 28 g), powtorzyc czynnosc.
3. Kurczaka smazyc w garnku na oleju ( 1/2 inch od dna powinien pokryc olej czyli ok. 1,5 cm) w sredniej temperaturze przez ok. 25-30 minut, czesto przewracajac.
4. Zdjac z ognia, osaczyc i jesc.

Mieszanki przypraw wychodzi ok. 3/4 szkl. dodac wystarczy ok. 29 g.
1 cup to szklanka amerykanska i odpowiada 225 ml

Extra Tasty Crispy Chicken (Nadzwyczaj smaczny chrupiacy kurczak)

1 kurczak
6-8 szkl. oleju


4 szkl. wody
1 lyzka soli
1/2 lyzeczki glutaminianu sodu


1 roztrzepane jajko
1 szkl. mleka
2 szkl. maki
2 i 1/2 lyzeczki soli
3/4 lyzeczki pieprzu
3/4 lyzeczki glutaminianu sodu

1.Z kurczaka usunac skore. Olej rozgrzac we frytownicy do 350°.
2. Przygotowac marynate i wlozyc do niej kurczaka na 20 minut, czesto przewracajac.
3. Mleko i jajko wlac do miski dodac make, sol, pieprz i glutaminian.
4. Kurczaka wyjac z marynaty, osaczyc na reczniku papierowym. Nastepnie obtaczac w mace potem w jajku i mleku i na koncu znowu w mace. Ukladac na papierze do pieczenia gdy bedziemy obtaczac kolejne porcje.
5. Wkladac kurczaka na goracy olej i smazyc 12-15 minut az zrobi sie zlotobrazowy. Podczas smazenia przewracac aby sie rownomiernie usmazyl.
6. wyjac kurczaka i pozostawic na reczniku przez 5 minut.